Protecting Your Wealth: Lessons from the First Republic Bank's Downfall

In the ever-changing world of finance, it is crucial to remain vigilant and proactive in protecting your wealth. 

The recent collapse of First Republic Bank, once considered a reliable institution, has left many clients scrambling to find ways to keep their money safe. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind the downfall of First Republic Bank and discuss how individuals can safeguard their assets in an unpredictable financial environment.

The Downfall of First Republic Bank

After years of consistent growth and stability, the unexpected collapse of First Republic Bank has come as a shock to many. Although the bank had previously boasted a strong client base and solid financial performance, a combination of factors led to its decline.


First Republic's undoing was triggered by the Federal Reserve's rapid series of interest-rate increases, which led depositors to seek better opportunities to earn higher returns elsewhere. The bank tried to stem the tide by offering higher rates on certificates of deposit (CDs). However, this offering didn’t prove strong enough to panicked investors.

Previous Bank Collapses

Despite holding more than $176 billion in deposits at the end of 2022, First Republic reported in mid-April that it saw deposit outflows of $102 billion in the first three months of the year. Much of it occurred following the demise of other banks.

In March, the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and the subsequent collapse of Signature Bank incited a run on deposits at First Republic and various other regional banks. 

Poor Risk Management

One of the main reasons behind the bank's collapse was inadequate risk management practices. As the bank aggressively pursued growth, it exposed itself to higher levels of risk, which ultimately proved detrimental to its stability.

Overdependence on a Few Clients

First Republic Bank's client base was heavily skewed towards a small number of high-net-worth individuals and institutions. This overreliance on a limited clientele made the bank vulnerable to the financial troubles of these clients, which exacerbated the bank's decline.

Insufficient Regulatory Oversight

The regulatory oversight of First Republic Bank was insufficient, which allowed the bank to engage in risky practices without facing adequate scrutiny. This lack of oversight contributed to the bank's downfall, as it was unable to withstand the resulting financial pressures.

How to Keep Your Money Safe

In light of the recent bank collapses, it is essential to consider strategies for protecting your wealth:

Diversify Your Assets

Diversification is crucial to mitigating risk in your financial portfolio. By spreading your assets across various investments, you can reduce your exposure to the failure of any single institution or asset class.

Choose Reputable Financial Institutions

Always research the financial institutions you entrust with your wealth. Look for institutions with a proven track record of stability, strong risk management practices, and adequate regulatory oversight.

Monitor Your Investments

Regularly review your investments and financial accounts to ensure they align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. If necessary, adjust your portfolio to maintain a well-balanced and diversified investment strategy.

Stay Informed

Keep yourself informed about the latest financial news and developments that could impact your investments. Staying informed will help you make informed decisions and adjust your strategy as needed.

How NJM Can Help

The unpredictable nature of financial markets makes it crucial to have a wealth preservation strategy in place to safeguard your assets. One way to achieve this is by engaging the services of a wealth preservation manager.

A Wealth advisor who focuses on wealth preservation can help you with the following:

  1. Diversification of Assets: A wealth preservation manager can help you diversify your assets by recommending a mix of investments across various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and alternative investments.
  2. Selection of Reputable Financial Institutions: A wealth preservation manager has in-depth knowledge of the financial industry and can help you choose reputable financial institutions to entrust your wealth. They will assess the stability, risk management practices, and regulatory oversight of various banks and investment firms, ensuring that your assets are managed by reliable institutions.
  1. Regular Monitoring and Review: A wealth preservation manager will regularly monitor your investments and financial accounts to ensure they are performing as expected and aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance. In case of any red flags or potential threats, they will proactively make adjustments to your portfolio to minimize risks, such as moving your assets away from a bank that may be facing financial difficulties.
  1. Customized Wealth Preservation Strategy: Every individual has unique financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment preferences. A wealth preservation manager can design a customized wealth preservation strategy tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that your assets are managed in a way that maximizes growth while minimizing risks, including the risk of bank collapse.
  1. Expertise in Legal and Tax Matters: Wealth preservation managers are knowledgeable about legal and tax matters, which can play a significant role in safeguarding your wealth. They can guide you through complex financial regulations, help you set up trusts and other legal structures, and advise on tax-efficient strategies to preserve your wealth in the long run.
  1. Staying Informed and Responsive: A wealth preservation manager stays informed about the latest financial news, trends, and regulatory changes that may impact your investments. By keeping a finger on the pulse of the financial world, they can identify potential threats to your wealth, such as an impending bank collapse, and take timely action to protect your assets.

Last Thoughts

The collapse of First Republic Bank serves as a stark reminder of the importance of wealth preservation and protection. Following the above steps can help safeguard your wealth in an unpredictable financial landscape.

At NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies, our dedicated team can advise you on safeguarding your money from potential risks, such as bank collapses. With 20 years of experience helping thousands of clients across the country, NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies proudly owns a record free of any consumer complaints. This is a direct result of the core values at NJM.

By leveraging our expertise, knowledge, and proactive approach, along with our unrestricted product offerings, we are fully equipped to help you develop a robust wealth preservation strategy that helps ensure the long-term stability and growth of your financial assets.

Set up your complimentary strategy session here today.