Portfolio Management with NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies

As you approach retirement, you should start thinking about how to manage your savings so you can support yourself through your golden years. This all starts with managing your portfolio correctly.

Portfolio management is the process of overseeing a collection of investments to achieve a specific financial goal. It involves creating a diversified mix of investments, regularly monitoring and adjusting the portfolio, and making informed decisions to maximize returns while minimizing risk. 

Whether you are saving for retirement, building wealth, or seeking further retirement income, effective portfolio management is a crucial component of achieving your financial goals. With the help of an experienced wealth preservation manager, you can have peace of mind knowing that your investments are being monitored and managed effectively.

Here are some of the key reasons why portfolio management is important for retirees and soon-to-be retirees:

Changing Circumstances & Rebalancing

As life changes, so do your financial goals and priorities. For example, you may have originally wanted to maximize growth, but now you may prioritize income generation or preservation of capital. 

Rebalancing a portfolio means adjusting the weightings of the different asset classes in your investment portfolio. This is achieved by buying or selling assets, which changes the weighting of a specific asset class.

Rebalancing your portfolio is important because over time, based on the returns of your investments, each asset class's weighting will change, altering the risk profile of your portfolio. 

Another time you might want to consider reviewing your portfolio is when your life situation changes in a way that affects the amount you’re comfortable putting at risk. By notifying your advisor of life changing events such as marriage, divorce, death of a spouse or even relocating - all of which could influence the success of your financial portfolio - your advisor can help guide you in the right direction to achieve your long-term objectives.


One of the key principles of managing your portfolio is diversification, and this is especially true for retirees. 

Diversification is a technique that reduces risk by allocating investments across various financial instruments, industries, and other categories. By spreading your investing dollars across different asset classes, if one particular industry sinks, your whole portfolio does not. 

By reviewing your portfolio with your advisor, you can help ensure that investments are properly diversified and that they are working for you to help grow your nest egg.

Risk Management

As we’ve seen from the past few years, market conditions are constantly changing, and it is important to ensure that your portfolio is positioned to weather these changes. Portfolio managers use a variety of tools and techniques to assess and manage risk. Here are some key components of risk management to consider for your portfolio:

  • Identifying risks: This is the first step you will take when you look at your portfolio in its entirety. This includes market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, currency risk, and more.
  • Assessing Risks: Once risks have been identified the next step is to assess its impact on your portfolio.
  • Regular Monitoring: It’s important to monitor your portfolio consistently. Portfolio managers can help with this and make adjustments as needed to reduce risk in order to protect your wealth.
  • Hedging: Hedging is another tool used to minimize the impact of market risk. This can involve using financial instruments, such as options or futures, to offset potential losses in other investments.

Your advisor should guide you through several important considerations and provide insights on how market conditions may affect your portfolio. They can also make suggestions for necessary adjustments to ensure its success. These are just a few examples of the comprehensive support that your advisor should provide.

Tax Efficiency

Retirement is a time when people need to be mindful of your tax bill, as it can have a significant impact on your standard of living. Tax laws and regulations can change over time, and it is important to ensure that your portfolio is structured in the most tax-efficient manner possible.  

Through effective portfolio management, you can help reduce the amount of taxes owed on your investments. By carefully considering when to sell, trade, or hold onto investments, it becomes possible to retain a greater portion of your wealth to see you through your golden years. 

Ultimately, your financial advisor can offer guidance on the tax effects of your investments and suggest modifications if deemed necessary to meet your retirement goals.

How NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies

If you're looking for a wealth preservation manager to effectively manage your portfolio, you’ve come to the right place. At NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies, our experienced team can provide guidance on how to preserve your wealth over the long-term. 

NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies uses a variety of portfolio management tools to help with the following:

  • Minimize your tax bill on investments.
  • Monitor market conditions and make adjustments when needed in order to minimize risk.
  • Regular rebalancing to keep your investments aligned with your financial objectives.
  • Other personalized services

We strive to provide personalized service to each of our clients, taking into account your unique financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment objectives.You can rest assured, when you work with us, you're in good hands. 

Final Thoughts

Portfolio management is essential for retirees regardless of your stage in life. Each of these strategies can protect your portfolio from the inevitable volatility that exists in the investment world. By putting at least some of them in place, you can help preserve your principal—and help you sleep better at night.

By working with NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies, you can have confidence, security and peace of mind knowing that your investments are being monitored and managed effectively.

Contact us here today to set up your complimentary consultation.